

Friday, 6 January 2012

GCET-2012 Goa Common Entrance Test 2012| G2CET Direct Admission 2012


Goa Common Entrance Test For admission to the first year of professional degree courses session 2012-13

Courses under GCET 2012 are Medicine (MBBS), Dentistry (BDS), Engineering (B.E.), Pharmacy (B.Pharm Sc), Architecture (B.Arch), Homoeopathy (BHMS)

GCET-2012 (Goa Common Entrance Test) in the state of Goa shall be conducted on 09th-10th May, 2012, Wednesday/Thursday as per the following schedule at 10 centres in Goa
·         Physics: 09th May, 2012, 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon
·         Chemistry: 09th May, 2012, 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.
·         Mathematics: 10th May, 2012, 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon
·         Biology/Computer Science: 10th May, 2012, 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Question paper shall be of objective, multiple-choice type containing 75 questions of 1 mark each with no negative marking

B) G2CET-2012(Common Entrance Test for Direct 2nd Year)
a) G2CET-2012(for Diploma and B. Sc. Degree holders) for direct admissions to Second Year of Degree courses in Engineering and Pharmacy shall be conducted on Friday, 11th May, 2012, at Panaji and Margao Centres from 10.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. There shall be a single paper comprising of 100 objective, multiple choice type questions, carrying 1 mark each, with no negative marking.

Separate Prospectuses containing complete details of GCET and G2CET, with application forms shall be made available for reference in February, 2012 on the website and print version in March 2012. Specific dates and locations of availability will be duly notified.

Directorate of Technical Education Goa
DTE Building, Alto-Porvorim, Bardez, Goa-403521
Website: Click Here

Tags: Notification of GCET 2012| Goa CET 2012 | GCET-2012 Goa Common Entrance Test 2012 Dates| Goa 2012 Entrance Test| G2CET-2012(Common Entrance Test for Direct 2nd Year) GCET 2012 Direct Admission| GOA GCET 2012 Admission Notification Engineering / Medicine / Dentistry /  Pharmacy / Architecture and Homeopathy | GOA GCET 2012 Entrance Exam | GOA GCET 2012  Schedule Time Table | GOA GCET 2012 Question Paper Pattern


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